What should I wear to my first aerial class?

What does someone wear to a class as specialized as aerial acrobatics? Surely it’s not the same as what you wear to the normal weight gym or if you go for a run. This article will helpe clarify that first class question.

First let me be clear You don't have to buy the most expensive, up-to-date, superstupendous moisture wicking lycraspandalex leggings by luluwho.  The short answer is wear tight fittings pants and shirt that fit tight to your whole body.  Pants should go down to or past your ankle and shirt sleeves should at least cover underneath your armpits.  There should be no cutouts in the back, stomach or well anywhere. 

Again no part of your outfit should be loose fitting. A pair of socks can be helpful if you plan on trying silks. Those with breasts should wear a sports bra or tight-fitting shirt that keeps everything close to the body.  Those with twig and berries might want to consider wearing a dance belt, though not absolutely necessary in the beginning. 

What to consider:  

1-The apparatuses are painful in the beginning of our aerial journey.  Clothes can help alleviate some of that pain.  Endorphins from heavy excersion will help with the pain along with adrenaline if you are nervous. Our bodies evolutionarily are conditioned to avoid pain so until we have conditioned our bodies into being “oK” with the pain of the apparatus we need to use the easy tools that are at our disposal.

2-I know you want look cute and instapretty for your first aerial class.  Cut-off tops, hip-hugger type pants, and shorts though cute and sexy expose skin that is not used to the friction of an aerial apparatus.  The pain may stop you from doing certain moves in your class, thus hindering your progress.  Worst case you could end up with a nasty bruise or burn, ouch! If you really have to have that cyberpunk, moon glow onsie outfit picture consider bringing it to change into from your aerial friendly outfit and doing a couple quick pictures at the end of class with instructor assistance.

3-  Clothes that are not tight fitting to your body are susceptible to getting caught or wrapped around the apparatus.  I know personally that I have torn a few shirts on both lyra and on silks becaause they got wrapped or grabbed by the apparatus. This is way too much for you or your instructor to have to worry about so let's just leave it at home.

4-  Keep in mind your instructor may have to “spot” you on some skills, meaning they will have to touch you to keep you out of harm's way.  The more covered your body is the more comfortable you are and your instructor is touching you when they need to keep you safe.

5. Lastly, do not wear any large jewelry.  This is for your own good, your jewelry and the apparatus.  Really I have broken more jewelry than anything and that is an undesirable expense to repair or replace.  Oh, and wear your hair up if it goes to or below your shoulders.  

Have fun, be stylish and safe!


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